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Safe Routes to School

Sonoma County Safe Routes to School

Sonoma County Safe Routes To School Program

The Sonoma County Safe Routes to School program, funded by the county Measure M transportation tax, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funding, Safe Routes to School state &/or federal funds, and Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit supports grassroots Safe Routes to School efforts by providing guidance and resources to interested schools. The goal of Safe Routes to School programs is to encourage walking and bicycling where it is safe, and to advocate for needed changes where biking or walking  is not safe. SRTS programs use an integrated approach that includes five E's - encouragement, education, evaluation, engineering, and enforcement. A school can launch a SRTS program with just one component, and build from there. In doing so, SRTS programs address health and safety by reducing traffic congestion around schools, increasing physical activity, encouraging lifestyle changes for families, creating safer, calmer streets and neighborhoods, and improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition, the Sonoma County Department of Health Services, and the Sonoma County Transportation Authority partner to implement this program.
